The Visual monitoring of Finnish landscapes –project aims at documenting the on-going changes in the Finnish agricultural landscape. The monitoring focuses on the more typical agricultural landscapes and the traditional rural biotopes.
Agricultural landscapes and traditional rural biotopes have been surveyed in different years and with different photographic methods. More information on these methods can be found below and from the publications on the Links –page.
Photographing agricultural landscapes
Photographing traditional rural biotopes
The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) was responsible for establishing this web site. The production was funded by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment. The entire photographic material on this web site is used by permission of its legal owner, the MTT Agrifood Research Finland.
Dr. Tapio Heikkilä founded the Visual monitoring of Finnish landscapes –project in 1996. His doctoral thesis, published in 2007, was based on this visual material. Heikkilä works as an expert on landscape and environment conservation at the Finnish Ministry of the Environment.
M.A. Martina Motzbäuchel has participated in the visual monitoring of Finnish landscapes since 2005 by taking photographs and establishing the picture archive. Currently she works as a freelance photographer.
Oiva Hakala has been a photographer in the Visual monitoring of Finnish landscapes –project since 1996. He works at MTT Agrifood Research Finland.
Dr. Reija Hietala took part in preparing and designing the project. Currently she works at the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Turku.